2025 FSGP Flute Fair
In accordance with West Chester University safety policy, all participants and guests who are MINORS must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times.
Teachers are not legal guardians unless they are the parent of the participant or are named as the legal guardian of the participant by lawful process.
Our host venue for FSGP’s 2025 Flute Fair is West Chester University of Pennsylvania. This is a state school, and requires us to follow Pennsylvania Department of Health Policies (PADOH) and guidance for mitigating the spreadof COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. All attendees are responsible for checking and following PADOH policies that are in effect for the day of the Flute Fair.
Please stay home if you are feeling unwell. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, mild or moderate difficulty breathing, sore throat, muscle or body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell, please stay home.
West Chester University requires all adult attendees, volunteers, and exhibitors of our flute fair to sign a pledge regarding sexual misconduct towards minors. Upon arrival, adults 18+ will be asked to sign the pledge as shown below before you are admitted to our flute fair. Please carefully read the pledge below.
Authorized adults (including adult attendees) or program staff should be positive role models for minors and act in a responsible manner that is consistent with the mission of the PASSHE entity.
Authorized adults (including adult attendees) or program staff are required to comply with all applicable laws and PASSHE Board of Governors’ and university policies.
Authorized adults (including adult attendees) or program staff working in programs covered by this policy must follow these expectations.
Do not engage in any sexual activity, make sexual comments, tell sexual jokes, or share sexually explicit material with minors or assist in any way to provide access to such material to minors.
Do not engage or allow minors to engage you in romantic or sexual conversations or related matters. Similarly, do not treat minors as confidantes; refrain from sharing sensitive personal information about yourself. Examples of sensitive personal information that should not be shared with minors are information about financial challenges, workplace challenges, drug or alcohol use, and romantic relationships.
Do not touch minors in a manner that a reasonable person could interpret as inappropriate. All personal contact should generally only be in the open, and in response to the minor’s needs, for a purpose that is consistent with the program’s mission and culture, or for a clear educational, developmental, or health-related purpose (e.g., treatment of an injury). Any refusal or resistance from the minor should be respected.
Do not use harassing language that would violate Board of Governors’ Policy 2009-03: Social Equity, or university harassment policies.
Do not be alone with a minor. If one-on-one contact is required, meet in open, well-illuminated spaces or rooms with windows observable by other authorized adults or program staff, unless the one-on-one contact is expressly authorized by the program administrator or is being undertaken for medical care.
Do not meet with minors outside of established times for program activities. Any exceptions require written parental authorization and must include more than one authorized adult or program staff.
Do not invite individual minors to your home or other private locations. Any exceptions require authorization by the program administrator AND written authorization by a parent/guardian.
Do not provide gifts to minors or their families independent of items provided by the program.
Do not engage or communicate with minors except for an educational or programmatic purpose; the content of the communication must be consistent with the mission of the program and the university.
Neither West Chester University nor the Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia is liable or responsible for a any personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
Our contract with West Chester University only allows still photography at this event, not audio or video recording.
The Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia may take photos during the event for its newsletter, social media, and similar publicity. Registrants may opt out of inclusion in photography by emailing their request to president@philaflutesociety.org. In turn, they will receive a badge on color cardstock. FSGP will not use identifiable photos of participants wearing those badges. When respective registrants observe that photographs are being taken, we request they move when possible.
Upon arrival at the event, participants will be given a copy of West Chester University's Code of Conduct to sign.